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Settling in at Playgroup

We want children to feel safe and happy whilst in our care and to recognise the staff as a source of support,friendship and authority. We also want Parents/Carers to feel welcome and involved. In order to do this we:


Give opportunities for the exchange of information, using the prospectus, registration form, ‘All About Me’ booklet, emails, verbal updates and Notes to and from Home. Memos on Tapestry. As their primary caregiver we value Parents information on their child’s stage of development and interests.


Offer to give a home visit in order to – help the child recognise and build a connection with their keyperson when starting at Playgroup, this is a great way for the child to begin to feel safe with them, it gives the parents further opportunity to discuss any concerns or just ask questions – in order to reassure them that their child’s needs are provided for when starting at Playgroup.


We  try to offer a flexible approach to settling in, within reason, to meet the needs of each child.  This begins with introducing new children on a staggered basis[T our busier times], so staff have the opportunity to get to know all new arrivals gradually and give them the time they need to settle.


Making it clear that the Parents/Carers are welcome to stay whilst their child settles in-initially for their play visits. 


We reassure parents if their child may need longer to settle in or if they need shorter more frequent visits - just until their child feels comfortable with us,  building up to the whole session time.


We have many years of experience in this area and are happy to offer advice and support to ensure this transition goes as smoothly as possible. 

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