Policy statement
Great Gransden Preschool Playgroup aim to ensure that our setting is accessible to children of the local community, and that all sections of the community receive accessible information, and that our admissions procedures are fair, clear and open to all parents who apply for a place. We are registered to take children from 2 years of age up to 5.
To accomplish this, Great Gransden Preschool Playgroup will:
Ensure the setting is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community.
Information about the setting is accessible, using plain English, in written and spoken form and, where appropriate, provided in different community languages and in other formats on request.
Children with disabilities are supported to take full part in all activities within the setting and the setting makes reasonable adjustments to ensure that this will be the case from the time the child is placed on the new starters list.
The New starters list is arranged according to receipt of a completed registration form according to when they would like to start once they have turned 2 years old [24 months] and sessions being confirmed in writing. In the event of over subscription, we may restrict which further admissions we can accept taking into account the following:
surrounding villages where no other preschool provision exists
siblings already attending the setting.
the vicinity of the home to the setting
the capacity of the setting to meet the individual needs of the child
Sessions will not be allocated until a Fully completed Registration Form is received.
The cut off date for receipt of registration forms will be the half term in the term before the child is due to start at setting. i.e., child starting in January, the registration form would be required by October half term. Early submission does not guarantee a place.
Once Written [or email] confirmation of sessions has been provided, please refrain from changes as key persons are allocated according to sessions attending and will affect staffing employed to meet the statutory ratios on a given day, changes may be accommodated if staffing allows.
Annual session changes can happen from September – start of a new academic year-where there is flexibility to amend sessions when session request forms are sent home in May each year.
Funded places are offered in accordance with the Early Years Entitlements: Operational Guidance for local authorities and providers (DfE 2018) and any local conditions in place at the time,
Where it is financially viable to do so, a place is kept vacant for an emergency admission.
The setting and its practices are welcoming and make it clear that fathers, mothers, other relations and carers and childminders are all welcome.
The setting and its practices operate in a way that encourages positive regard for and understanding of difference and ability, whether gender, family structure, class, background, religion, ethnicity, or competence in spoken English.
The needs and individual circumstances of children joining the setting are monitored to ensure that no accidental or unintentional discrimination is taking place and that reasonable adjustments are made as required.
Places are provided in accordance with our Parental agreement issued to every parent when the child takes up their place. Failure to comply may result in the provision of a place being withdrawn.
Once a childcare and early education place has been offered the relevant paperwork is completed by the setting manager or deputy before the child starts and filed on the child’s personal file. Forms completed include:
Privacy notice - explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control parent/carers have over their personal data and the procedures we have in place to protect it.
Parental Agreement - govern the basis by which we provide childcare and early education.
Registration form - contains personal information about the child and family that must be completed in full prior to the child commencing.
Children with SEND
The manager must seek to determine an accurate assessment of a child’s needs at registration. If the child’s needs cannot be met from within the setting’s core budget, then an application for SEN inclusion funding must be made immediately.
Children with identified SEND must be offered a place when one becomes available as with any other child. However, the start date for children with more complex SEND will be determined by the preparations made to ensure the child’s safety, well-being and accessibility in the setting. If a child’s needs determine that adjustments need to be made, the manager must outline a realistic timeframe for completion, detailing the nature of adjustments e.g. risk assessment, staff training, health care plan and all other adjustments required. The child’s safety at all times is paramount.
At the time of registration, the manager must check to see if a child’s family is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance, if so, the manager must ask for evidence to enable them to claim the Disability Access Fund directly from the local authority. If the family is eligible but not in receipt of the allowance, the setting manager will support the family in their application. More information can be found at
Preparation for admitting a child with SEND must be made in a reasonable amount of time and any delay in the child’s starting is scrutinised by the setting manager to avoid discrimination and negative impact on the child and family. During a preparation period the family and relevant agencies and the local authority must be regularly updated on the progress of the preparations.
Safeguarding/child protection
If information is provided by the parents that a child who is starting at the setting is currently, or has had involvement with social care, the designated person will contact the agency to seek further clarification. The designated Lead for child protection will also make contact with previous setting/childcare to see if there are any child protection concerns.
Parents are advised on how to access the setting’s policies and procedures.
Further guidance
Early Years Entitlements: Operational guidance for local authorities and providers (DfE 2018)
This policy will be reviewed every 3 years.